
Showing posts from October, 2021

Tips for Finding a Qualified Tax Resolution Firm

  Given how high the stakes are, it is surprising how little thought many people give to their taxes. All too often, individuals simply walk into a neighborhood storefront, hand over their most personal information and trust the person on the other side of the desk to do the right thing and prepare their taxes properly.   In many cases that trust is well placed, and the individual preparing the taxes is indeed the honest and trustworthy professional they claim to be. In other cases, however, the trust is misplaced, and the tax preparer will end up making mistakes that could cost the individual a great deal. If an audit is triggered by a deliberate misrepresentation or unintentional mistake, you will still be on the hook for any additional taxes, interest and penalties.   If you’re in tax trouble because you trusted the wrong tax preparer, then you will need a qualified tax resolution firm to help you resolve your tax problem. However, you don’t want to repeat t

4 Common Tax Return Mistakes That Could Get You in Trouble with the IRS

  As tax filing season unfolds, many taxpayers are taking the bull by the horns and doing their own taxes. Though it may seem like good news for the individual taxpayer, it’s important to watch out for common tax filing mistakes. Tax preparation software makes some errors like addition and subtraction blunders less likely, but even the best software cannot eliminate all potential problems and human error.   If you are getting ready to file your tax return, be sure to take a second (or third) look before you hit send. Keeping a close eye out for these common tax filing mistakes is the best way to ensure the IRS does not come knocking at your door.   Note: If you do get in trouble with the IRS and they claim you owe $10,o00 or more, reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll schedule a free, no-obligation confidential consultation to explain your options in full to permanently resolve your tax problem. Click Here to schedule a free consultation today! That s

Does the IRS Disagree with Your Income Figures? 7 Critical Steps to Take Next

  It is one of the scariest things that can befall a taxpayer - the dreaded notice from the IRS stating you owe them more money you can’t pay. When you open up the mailbox and see the return address of the tax agency staring back at you, your heart is bound to skip a beat (or two).   Few people look forward to communicating with the IRS, but plenty of taxpayers receive these notices every year. If you do find yourself on the receiving end of such a notice, knowing what to do next could make all the difference, and possibly save your bank account. Here are seven critical steps to take if the IRS disagrees with the income (or expense) figures you have reported.   Note: If you fall behind on filing your taxes, you’re not alone and we can help. Reach out to our tax resolution firm and we’ll help you file late tax returns and negotiate with the IRS if you owe back taxes. Click Here!   1. Stop panicking. Getting a letter from the IRS is enough to send your heart